1. Right to inspect.(i) The Authority or its authorized representative shall have right to inspect the sites used for extending the Service and in particular but not limited to, have the right to have access to leased lines, junctions, terminating interfaces, hardware/software, memories of semiconductor, magnetic and optical varieties, wired or wireless options, distribution frames, and conduct the performance test including to enter into dialogue with the system through Input/output devices or terminals. The OSP will provide the necessary facilities for continuous monitoring of the system, as required by the Authority or its authorized representative(s). The Inspection will ordinarily be carried out after reasonable notice, except in circumstances where giving such a notice will defeat the very purpose of the inspection.(ii) Wherever considered appropriate, Authority may conduct any inquiry either suo-moto or on complaint to determine whether there has been any breach in compliance of terms & conditions of the Registration by the OSP and upon such inquiry the OSP shall extend all reasonable facilities without any hindrance.
2. Prohibition of certain Activities by the OSP(i) The OSP shall not engage on the strength of this Registration in the provision of any other Service requiring separate Licence / permission.(ii) The OSP shall take necessary measures to prevent objectionable, obscene, unauthorized or any other content, messages or communications infringing copyright, intellectual property etc., in any form, from being carried on the network, consistent with the established laws of the country. Once specific instances of such infringement are reported to the OSP by the enforcement agencies, the OSP shall ensure that the carriage of such material on the network is prevented immediately.
3. Security Conditions(i) The OSP shall make available on demand to the person authorized by the Authority, full access to their equipments for technical scrutiny and for inspection, which can be visual inspection or an operational inspection.(ii) OSP will ensure that their equipment installations should not become a safety hazard and is not in contravention of any statute, rule or regulation and public Policy.(iii) The OSP shall be required to provide the call data records of all the specified calls handled by the system at specified periodicity, as and when required by the security agencies.

DoT License & Compliance Advisory
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