1. General Conditions:
Sharing of the infrastructure by the Domestic OSP and the International OSP shall require prior written approval of the Authority. Such Registration may be granted on fulfilment of the following conditions:-
(a) The domestic OSP Centre and International OSP Centre shall belong to the same Company.
(b) The OSP shall set up call centre having at least 50 seats.
(c) The OSP shall be responsible for any violation of the terms & conditions of OSP registration by anyone including but not limited to its employees.
(d) The Authority reserves the right to carry out the audit periodically.
(e) If the Authority is satisfied that there has been a violation of the conditions, it reserves the right to take punitive action including forfeiture of the security deposit and / or the cancellation of the registration held by OSP and the company shall be debarred from taking OSP registration for 3 years from the date of cancellation of such registration.
2. Duration of Registration for Sharing the Infrastructure & Bank Guarantee
(a) This registration shall be valid for a period of 3 years from the effective date unless revoked earlier for reasons as specified elsewhere in the document.
(b) The Company shall submit a security deposit in the form of a Bank Guarantee in the specified format for Rs.50 Lakhs for option 1 under term 4(A) of this chapter or Rs. 1 crore for option 2 under term 4(B) of this chapter in favour of the Authority for the period of such Registration. In addition, the Company will sign an agreement with the Authority in the prescribed format.
(c) Any failure to abide by the terms & conditions of Registration shall entitle the Authority to encash the Bank Guarantees and to convert into a cash security without any reference to the OSP at his risk and cost. No interest or compensation whatsoever shall be payable by the Authority on such encashment.
(d) Without prejudice to its rights of any other remedy, the Authority may encash Bank Guarantee and forfeit the security deposit in case of any breach in terms & conditions of the Registration by the OSP.
3. Extension of Registration for Sharing the Infrastructure
(a) Registration for such facility shall be for a period of 3 years. This may be extended for a further periods of maximum 3 years after expiry.
(b) For extension of registration period beyond 3 years, the OSP shall submit such request for extension along with extended validity period of Bank Guarantee, 60 days prior to the expiry date, failing which the registration will lapse without notice.
(c) The decision of the Authority shall be final in regard to the grant of extension.

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