Ozg OSP Registration
(Call Center / BPO / Telemarketer / Support Services)
Ozg Center | Delhi | Mumbai | India
Phone # 09811415831-37-61-72-84-92-94
Email: license.consultant@ozg.co.in
The undersigned is directed to say that the existing terms and conditions for registration under the Other Service Providers (OSPs) category have been revised. The following are the salient features of the revised terms and conditions:
(i) The concept of agent positions working from Home has been introduced (Work from Home Concept). As a safeguard, submission of a Bank Guarantee of Rs. 5 Crores has been prescribed;
(ii) The restriction of 10% outgoing PSTN lines in a Domestic Call Centre (DCC) and submission of associated Bank Guarantee of Rs.10 Lakhs has been dispensed with;
(iii) The amount of Bank Guarantee has been reduced from Rs.2.5 Crores to Rs. 50 Lakhs and from Rs. 5 Crores to Rs. 1 Crore for each location in cases of resources sharing between International OSP and Domestic OSP;
(iv) Provision of separate category of Standalone OSP centres have been dropped and it has been merged with the Domestic OSPs category;
(v) Definition of ‘Telecom Resources’ has been expanded to include Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN);
(vi) An ‘annual return’ is to be submitted by OSPs to the registering authority in the prescribed Proforma on yearly basis;
(vii) Documents required to be submitted along with the application form has been simplified.
2. A single application form for registration of OSP and uniform format for registration certificate to be issued by all VTM units to avoid discrepancies and eventually making the process online, have been prescribed.
3 A copy each of the revised terms and conditions and revised format of application for registration of OSP Centre and a standard format for issue of registration certificate are enclosed for information and necessary action by the VTM Cells. All pending application for registration of OSP Centres may be considered in accordance with the revised terms and conditions.
(Shambhu Prasad Singh)
Director (CS-I)
Enclosed: 1. Revised Terms & Conditions (Annexure-I)
2. Revised Application Format (Form-I)
3. Format of Registration certificate
Heads of all VTM Cells (as per list)
By Regd. post
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Department of Telecommunications
Vigilance & Telecom Monitoring Unit
Registration No………. Dated ……………
Subject: Registration for setting up a OSP (Domestic/International) Centre at …….............. by M/s ……………….
Ref: Application of the company received on ………..
M/s ……………………….., having registered office at……… has been registered under the Other Service Provider (OSP) category as defined in New Telecom Policy ’99 (NTP’99) for setting up an OSP (Domestic/International) Centre at …….(location) as per enclosed details.
2. This registration is subject to the terms & conditions of OSP registration and the undertaking by the company in the form of declaration given along with the application form. Details of OSP centre & connectivity arrangements are attached.
3. For providing application services, M/s ……………………, shall take the telecom resources from any authorized service provider.
4. The OSP shall submit ‘Annual return’ to the registering authority in the prescribed Performa within six months of completion of financial year, indicating the details of the activities of the previous financial year and the status of their continuing the OSP operation.
5. The Authority or its authorized representative shall have right to inspect the sites used for extending the Service and shall have the right to have unrestricted access to all installations/facilities.
6. This registration will be valid for twenty (20) years w.e.f. the date inscribed in this memo. In all future correspondence, please quote the Registration Number.
(Name of issuing officer) Designation
Encl: As above
M/s …………………..


1. Name of Applicant Company
2. Registered Office Address:
| Telephone: | | | ||
| Fax: | | | ||
| | | |||
| | | | ||
| E-mail: | | Website: | | |
| | | | ||
| | | | | |
| | | | ||
3. Corporate Office | Address: | | | | |
| Telephone: | | | ||
| | | | ||
| Fax: | | | ||
| | | | ||
| | | | ||
| E-mail | | Website: | | |
| | | | ||
| | | | ||
4. Name of Authorized Signatory | | | | | |
and Contact Person : | | | | ||
Full address for | | | | ||
| | | | | |
Communication: | | | | ||
Telephone nos. | | | |||
| | | | ||
| Fax | | | ||
| | | | | |
| Email | | | ||
Present activities of the company/ | | | | | |
group company | | | | ||
| | | | | |
Type of Centre
International OSP Centre | | Domestic OSP Centre | |
Type of Activity
Vehicle Tracking Centre | Billing Service Centre | E-Publishing Centre |
Medical transcript. service | Financial service | KPO |
Teletrading | Telemedicine | Tele-education |
Network Operating Centre | Any other (Pl attach a write up regarding nature of | |
| proposed Centre) | |
1. Address of the location of proposed | | |
Centre | | |
| | |
2. No. of seats | | |
Ozg OSP Registration
(Call Center / BPO / Telemarketer / Support Services)
Ozg Center | Delhi | Mumbai | India
Phone # 09811415831-37-61-72-84-92-94