Ozg OSP Registration
(Call Center / BPO / Telemarketer / Support Services)
Ozg Center | Delhi | Mumbai | India
Phone # 09811415831-37-61-72-84-92-94
Email: license.consultant@ozg.co.in
THIS AGREEMENT is made on the … day of ….. (month) ……. (year) by and between the President of India acting through Shri ……….. DDG/Director, TERM Cell (..............), Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Government of India, .............................................................(office address) (hereinafter called the ‘Authority’ which expression shall unless repugnant to the context, include its successors and assigns) of the FIRST PARTY.
M/s. ………………………., a company registered under the Companies Act 1956, having its registered office at ………….. acting through Shri………. Authorised signatory (hereinafter called the ‘OSP’ which expression shall unless repugnant to the context, include its successors in business, administrators, liquidators, legal representatives and permitted assigns) of the SECOND PARTY.
i) WHEREAS the Department of Telecommunications has the authority to register OSPs, under the Executive Instruction of the President of India. AND WHEREAS the OSP is having / proposes to set up a Domestic OSP Center at …………………………… vide Registration No ……………dated …………… as per the terms and conditions of Registration.
ii) AND WHEREAS the OSP is having / proposes to set up an International OSP Center at …………………………… vide Registration No ……………dated ……………. as per the terms and conditions of Registration.
iii) AND NOW WHEREAS the OSP has requested for sharing the common infrastructure between International and Domestic OSP Centers.
Whereupon and in pursuance to the said request, the Authority has agreed to Register the OSP for sharing the common infrastructure facility between the Domestic and International OSP centres of the OSP (hereinafter called the ‘facility’) as per terms & conditions for Other Service provider category as described in Schedule appended hereto.
1. Registration for such facility (for sharing the common infrastructure between the Domestic and International OSP centres) shall be valid for a period of 3 years. This may be extended for a further period of maximum 3 years after expiry.
2. The registration will be effective from the date of signing of this Agreement and the agreement shall remain valid till the validity of registration.
3. OSP hereby agrees and unequivocally undertakes to fully comply with all the terms and conditions as described in Schedule appended hereto and shall be binding hereinafter on the OSP.
4. The domestic OSP Centre and International OSP Centre shall belong to the same Company.
5. OSP shall set up call centre having atleast 50 seats.
6. The Domestic OSP centre and international OSP centre shall have non-sharing separate and independent EPABX but may have the common operator position.
7. No voice traffic shall flow between the Domestic and international OSP centres and, directly or indirectly, cause bypass of the network of the Authorised Telecom Service Providers.
8. OSP shall ensure that the system logs are tamper-proof and system logs are preserved atleast for six months. The Authority reserves the right to call for these system logs on demand and also inspect at site.
9. OSP agrees to submit a security deposit in the form of a Bank Guarantee for Rs. 50 Lakhs (Rupees Fifty Lakhs) in favour of the Department of Telecommunications for the period of such registration in the prescribed format.
10. For extension of registration period beyond 3 years, the OSP shall submit such request for extension alongwith extended validity period of Bank Guarantee, 60 days prior to the expiry date, failing which the registration will lapse without notice.
11. The authority reserves the right to carry out the audit periodically or whenever desires so.
12. The Authority shall have the right to forfeit the security deposit, in case of violation of any of the Terms & Conditions for Other Service Provider category in the Schedule appended hereto, identified to it’s satisfaction. The OSP shall be liable for any violation of the said terms & conditions by anyone including but not limited to it’s employees. The authority reserves the right to take appropriate action including cancellation of the registration held by OSP and the company shall be debarred from taking OSP registration for 3 years from the date of cancellation of such registration.
13. The Directors of the board of a company violating OSP terms and conditions shall be debarred for 3 years from taking OSP registration directly or indirectly.
14. OSP agrees that any information furnished above, if proved incorrect or false will render OSP liable for any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed through their respective authorised representatives on the _________(day) __________(month), ______(year).
Signed for and on behalf of Signed on __/___/_____, on
President of India Behalf of
By By
Mr._____________________ Mr._______________________ (Name and Designation), (Name and Designation),
DDG/Director, TERM Cell,.............. authorised signatory and holder of General Power of Attorney dated _______________, executed in accordance with the Resolution No. ________________, dated ______________ passed by the Board of Directors.
In the presence of:
1. Signature
Occupation. Address Place.
2. Signature
Occupation. Address Place.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS – Other Service Provider (OSP) Category
Chapter I : Preliminary
1 : Definitions
Chapter II : General Terms & Conditions for OSP Registration for
Domestic or International OSP Centre
1 : General Conditions
2 : Modifications in the Terms and Conditions of Registration
3 : Restrictions on ‘Transfer of Registration’
4 : Requirement to furnish information
5 : Suspension, revocation or Termination of Registration
6 : Actions pursuant to Termination of Registration
Chapter III : Technical Conditions for OSP Registration for Domestic
or International OSP Centre
1 : Terms & Conditions for OSP Operation
2 : Terms & Conditions for Disaster Management of OSP Centre 3 : Terms & Conditions specific to the Domestic OSP
4 : Terms & Conditions specific to the International OSP
Chapter IV : General Terms & Conditions for OSP Registration for Sharing the Common infrastructure Between Domestic or
International OSP Centre
1 : General Conditions
2 : Duration of Registration for Sharing the Infrastructure & Bank
3 : Extension of Registration for Sharing the Infrastructure
4 : Technical Terms & Conditions for sharing the Infrastructure
between International OSP & Domestic OSP
Separate & Independent EPABX to be used for International & Domestic OSP Centres with sharing of same operator position
International & Domestic OSP Centres to share the common
EPABX with logical partitioning
5 : Work from Home
Chapter V : Security Conditions
1 : Right to inspect
2 : Prohibition of certain Activities by the OSP
3 : Security Conditions
Chapter VI : Miscellaneous
1 : General
2 : Arbitration
Ozg OSP Registration
(Call Center / BPO / Telemarketer / Support Services)
Ozg Center | Delhi | Mumbai | India
Phone # 09811415831-37-61-72-84-92-94